Former Louisiana Governor Buddy Roemer is running for President.
It wasn't clear that anyone at the Beantown Exchange coffee shop in Hampstead, NH knew that when he sat down with the shop's owner and a supporter at the front of the room and began an in depth discussion of topics as varied as Occupy Wall Street, Chinese labor practices, and the necessity of restructuring student loans.

Following the chat, Buddy worked the room, passing out business cards and answering a number of questions on progressive education and alternative energy with a couple whose daughter excitedly rolled around on a couch.

Anyone in New Hampshire should make a point to meet up with Governor Roemer in the coming weeks—he's rented an apartment in Manchester, frequently conducts public events, and would be more than happy for you to pull up a seat next to him and ask a question. You'll be glad you did.
View the complete gallery of the event here.
It wasn't clear that anyone at the Beantown Exchange coffee shop in Hampstead, NH knew that when he sat down with the shop's owner and a supporter at the front of the room and began an in depth discussion of topics as varied as Occupy Wall Street, Chinese labor practices, and the necessity of restructuring student loans.

Following the chat, Buddy worked the room, passing out business cards and answering a number of questions on progressive education and alternative energy with a couple whose daughter excitedly rolled around on a couch.

Anyone in New Hampshire should make a point to meet up with Governor Roemer in the coming weeks—he's rented an apartment in Manchester, frequently conducts public events, and would be more than happy for you to pull up a seat next to him and ask a question. You'll be glad you did.
View the complete gallery of the event here.

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